Shogi is the same thing as Chinese’s (Western Chess), and Korean (Janggi). It’s a two player board game. Shogi means General’s Board game it is also known as Japanese Chess. Shogi Originated from China in the early 4th centuries BC. In these days we use sixteen pieces on each side. We use eight pawns, two rooks, two bishops, two knights, one queen, and one king. But in Shogi there are twenty pieces so there are nine pawns, two lances, two knights, two silver generals two gold generals, one bishop, one rook, one king. They move there pawns the same way we do they can only move one space at a time but it can move two spaces on their first move and can only attack the opponents pieces diagonally. The Lance can only move forward in free spaces. It cannot move backward or to the sides. The knights still move in three square L shapes. The silver general can move one square diagonally or one square directly forward. The gold general can move one square anywhere around it with the acceptation of diagonal backwards. The Bishop still can move diagonal forward and backwards. The rook still moves in a straight line forward, backwards, and to the sides. The King Still can only move one space in any direction. The object of the game is still to protect your king and trap your opponent’s king. They have a rule called promotion if you get in your opponents three square radius you can promote your rook or your bishop. The Rook will promote to a (dragon king) and it can move as a rook or a king but not both in the same move. The bishop promotes to a (dragon horse) and can move like a bishop or a king but not in the same move.