Monday, March 9, 2009

Personal Reflection

Question # 1
- Why did you pick this topic?
Answer # 1
- I picked this topic because of the reason that I play chess and I wanted to to know more about it. Like who invented the game and different kinds of strategies for this game.

Question # 2
- What do you like about chess?
Answer # 2
- I like the game mostly for the fact that you cant just move any where you have to think like three steps ahead every move you make. You have to think like "if i move there and my oppenet moves here i could blaa blaa blaa or if they move there then i could move here. It all about what you think will happen and what to do about what already happend.

Question # 3
- How did you learn?
Answer # 3
- I got taught this game by my 6th grade teacher "Mr. Sajod" I apoligize if the spelling of his name is incorrect but he taught or whole class how to play because he said it will teach you to think before you do. And I took that because I have a habit of doing before really thinking.

Question # 4
- When was your first victory?
Answer # 4
- My first victory was against a boy in my 6th grade class by the name of Rickey Pace it was exciting becaus ehe bet me the first time we played. So I felt very very happy that i bet some one I thought had an advantage over me.

Question # 5
- What is your stratigey?
Answer #5
- My stratigey is to keep the king in the place it starts off in that way I can just trap him aroung his own pieces.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Is the post the appropriate amount (300 words)?:yes

    2. Rate (10 highest, 1 lowest) the clarity of the overall topic of research. the overall would ba an 8

    3. Rate how well the visual illustrations add to the topic of the post the pictures are creative because i am a chess fan too

    4. Rate how well the post conveys what the author knows.he knows a good amount about the game. he knows how to play and haves stratorgies

    5. Rate how well the post conveys what the author wants to know. he really didnt say what he wanted to know

    6. Offer two or three written positive (specific) comments to the author. chess is a good topic and you are a good oponent

    7. offer two or three written constructive (specific) criticism or questions to the author.did you find out why the white piece goes first? and do you want to play?
